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Find concert tickets for Usher upcoming 2020 shows. Explore Usher tour schedules, latest setlist, videos, and more on . The show is scheduled to start on July 16, 2021 and is slated to run until January 1, 2022. Live Nation Las Vegas and Caesars Entertainment will be donating $1 from every ticket purchased to Usher's New Look foundation. Usher released the single 'Bad Habits' on September. USH3A; USH3 Categories: Usher syndrome Usher syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss or deafness and progressive vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa. Sensorineural hearing means it is caused by abnormalities of the inner ear . Retinitis pigmentosa is an eye disease that affects the layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye ( the retina ). Vision loss occurs as the light-sensing cells of the retina gradually deteriorate. Night vision loss begins first, followed by blind spots that develop in the side (peripheral) vision, that can enlarge and merge to produce tunnel vision (loss of all peripheral vision). In some cases, vision is further impaired by clouding of the lens of the eye ( cataracts ). Three major types of Usher syndrome have been described - types I, II, and III. The different types are distinguished by their severity and the age when signs and symptoms appear. All three types are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. [1] Treatment for the hearing loss may include hearing aids or surgery for a cochlear implant. Vitamin A palmitate is useful for treating the vision loss in people with Usher syndrome type II. [2]
Last updated: 3/16/2017
This table lists symptoms that people with this disease may have. For most diseases, symptoms will vary from person to person. People with the same disease may not have all the symptoms listed. This information comes from a database called the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) . The HPO collects information on symptoms that have been described in medical resources. The HPO is updated regularly. Use the HPO ID to access more in-depth information about a symptom. Medical Terms Other Names Learn More: 30-79 of people have these symptoms Sensorineural hearing impairment 0000407 Vestibular dysfunction 0001751 Visual field defect Partial loss of field of vision 0001123 Percent of people who have these symptoms is not available through HPO Autosomal recessive inheritance 0000007 Nyctalopia Night-blindness [ more ] 0000662 Reduced visual acuity Decreased clarity of vision 0007663 Rod-cone dystrophy 0000510 Usher syndrome is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. [1] This means that a person must have a disease-causing change ( mutation ) in both copies of the gene associated with the syndrome in each cell to have Usher syndrome. One mutated copy is typically inherited from each parent, who are each referred to as a carrier . Carriers of an autosomal recessive condition usually do not have any signs or symptoms.
When two carriers of an autosomal recessive condition have children, each child has a 25 (1 in 4) chance to have the condition, a 50 (1 in 2) chance to be an unaffected carrier like each parent, and a 25 chance to not be a carrier AND not be affected.
Making a diagnosis for a genetic or rare disease can often be challenging. Healthcare professionals typically look at a persons medical history, symptoms, physical exam, and laboratory test results in order to make a diagnosis. The following resources provide information relating to diagnosis and testing for this condition. If you have questions about getting a diagnosis, you should contact a healthcare professional. Testing Resources
The Genetic Testing Registry (GTR) provides information about the genetic tests for this condition. The intended audience for the GTR is health care providers and researchers. Patients and consumers with specific questions about a genetic test should contact a health care provider or a genetics professional.
If you need medical advice, you can look for doctors or other healthcare professionals who have experience with this disease. Preps 8 4 0 . You may find these specialists through advocacy organizations, clinical trials, or articles published in medical journals. You may also want to contact a university or tertiary medical center in your area, because these centers tend to see more complex cases and have the latest technology and treatments.
If you cant find a specialist in your local area, try contacting national or international specialists. They may be able to refer you to someone they know through conferences or research efforts. Some specialists may be willing to consult with you or your local doctors over the phone or by email if you can't travel to them for care.
You can find more tips in our guide, How to Find a Disease Specialist. We also encourage you to explore the rest of this page to find resources that can help you find specialists. Healthcare Resources
To find a medical professional who specializes in genetics, you can ask your doctor for a referral or you can search for one yourself. Online directories are provided by the American College of Medical Genetics and the National Society of Genetic Counselors. If you need additional help, contact a GARD Information Specialist. You can also learn more about genetic consultations from Genetics Home Reference.
Research helps us better understand diseases and can lead to advances in diagnosis and treatment. This section provides resources to help you learn about medical research and ways to get involved. Patient Registry
A registry supports research by collecting of information about patients that share something in common, such as being diagnosed with Usher syndrome type 3A. The type of data collected can vary from registry to registry and is based on the goals and purpose of that registry. Some registries collect contact information while others collect more detailed medical information. Learn more about registries.
Registries for Usher syndrome type 3A:
My Retina Tracker
The Usher Syndrome Registry
Support and advocacy groups can help you connect with other patients and families, and they can provide valuable services. Many develop patient-centered information and are the driving force behind research for better treatments and possible cures. They can direct you to research, resources, and services. Many organizations also have experts who serve as medical advisors or provide lists of doctors/clinics. Visit the groups website or contact them to learn about the services they offer. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement by GARD. Organizations Supporting this Disease
Foundation Fighting Blindness
7168 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046
Toll-free: 1-800-683-5555
Telephone: +1-410-423-0600
TTY: 1-800-683-5551
Usher Syndrome Coalition
63 Great Road
Suite 207
Maynard, MA 01754
Toll-free: 1-855-998-7437 Option 0
This group also offers videophone (VP) for individuals whose primary language is American Sign Language: +1-631-533-9621
These resources provide more information about this condition or associated symptoms. The in-depth resources contain medical and scientific language that may be hard to understand. You may want to review these resources with a medical professional. Where to Start
Genetics Home Reference (GHR) contains information on Usher syndrome type 3A. This website is maintained by the National Library of Medicine.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed an information page on Usher syndrome. To view this information, click on the link above. In-Depth Information
The Monarch Initiative brings together data about this condition from humans and other species to help physicians and biomedical researchers. Monarchs tools are designed to make it easier to compare the signs and symptoms (phenotypes) of different diseases and discover common features. This initiative is a collaboration between several academic institutions across the world and is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Visit the website to explore the biology of this condition.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders. Each entry has a summary of related medical articles. It is meant for health care professionals and researchers. OMIM is maintained by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
PubMed is a searchable database of medical literature and lists journal articles that discuss Usher syndrome type 3A. Click on the link to view a sample search on this topic. News
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Questions sent to GARD may be posted here if the information could be helpful to others. . We remove all identifying information when posting a question to protect your privacy. If you do not want your question posted, please let us know.
Usher syndrome. Genetics Home Reference (GHR) . 2016;
Keats BJB Lentz J. Usher Syndrome Type II. GeneReviews . 2016; Usher 1 1 164 placeholder for the horizontal scroll slider Back to top
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